Introducing Dear Mummy

Hi, I’m Tui, and this is Dear Mummy.

Dear Mummy was a personal project; a creative expression that started as a book. But as I’ve written it I’ve realised that it’s bigger than a book. It’s an idea that disrupts the ‘how to’ parenting industry. It’s an idea that could start a real movement:

A new generation of mothers: women who understand that being the best mummy you can be means being the best YOU you can be; mums who are empowered to unapologetically put themselves first; women who as mothers are nurtured and wholly fulfilled; women who know themselves better and mother (and live!) with pride and confidence in themselves.

The first parenting book was written by Dr Benjamin Spock in 1946. In 70 years we’ve had literally hundreds – probably thousands – of books published on how to parent. There are ‘how-to’ parenting books that support just about every child-raising ideology under the sun. But very few that focus on the mother. And not one that I can find that encourages a mum to look after herself and give herself permission to put herself first, presented in a gently nurturing, personalised, not ‘how-to’ ‘like-me’ way.

There too, are hundreds of social media sites out there, but much of the commentary is about how hard it is to be a mum.

Yes it’s hard. But if we continue this line of dialogue: think it’s hard, say it’s hard, believe it’s hard, then it will be hard. And if we turn to ‘how-to’ books that don’t work for us, then we’re setting ourselves up for failure.

Dear Mummy has as its priority, at it’s heart: YOU, mummy. It offers the antidote to today’s more common commentary and feelings. It flips them on their head and offers a refreshing perspective that is positive and practical.

It understands you want to be the best mummy you can. That means being the best YOU you can be.

The video expresses much the same sentiment as here, with a lovely vignette of a mummy’s morning – featuring yours truly, and my two darling daughters. Watch, and welcome to the journey x



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