Author Archives: tui

What we can learn from 7 year olds

Picture this: 25 seven year olds sitting in a circle on the mat in the classroom. One at a time, they turned to the person next to them and said one thing about that person that they’re grateful for… “he helps me with maths”… “she notices when I’m lonely and plays with me”… “he’s sensible”… […]

I breathe – a poem

Tui Fleming Guided Meditations Purchase Let Go Be Kind Start Your Day Right Seasonal Changes

I’ve been more intentional with my meditation practice recently. I’ve been “open sitting” – just sitting and observing my thoughts. Not trying to change them. Not judging them. Not trying to let them go and find any kind of liminal space (though I’ve been there, and… wow). After I sit, I’ve started journalling. I’ve been […]

My heart, exposed, for your ears

This is the most in-depth, personal interview I’ve ever given, in the 3+ years I’ve been in business.   And it’s on the international stage, on a podcast show that has an archive of over 700 episodes. I’m in company with well known authors, successful entrepreneurs, world class artists, social scientists… “and people who are […]

Sleep. Let me help you (with a free meditation).

Tui Fleming With Her Book Dear Mummy Available Online at

Sleep. Such a beautiful word. It conjures up feelings of softness, stillness, imaginings, possibilities. Unicorns, princesses, knights in shining armour, the man or woman of your dreams. Ecstatic sex, or maybe the most scintillating of conversations. Still lakes, glistening horizons, flying, then – falling… into a puff of billowy clouds. The promise of a future, […]

The “too much” woman, musings on IWD 2019

I came across this poem via an Embodiment Mentor of mine. At first I thought she was writing about herself – but I could see so much of myself in her words. Then as I read on, I realised it was a poem about so many of us, not just accepting but CELEBRATING us in […]